
Floatation R.E.S.T. (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy) or Floating, is a powerful means to experiencing deep rest and rejuvenation. Our float room is insulated against light and sound, with a super-saturated solution of magnesium sulphate (Epsom Salt) and warm water that allows you to lie comfortably supported on the surface. This distinct environment creates solitude like you’ve never experienced before, augmented by the full body absorption of magnesium — the ideal space to relax, reflect and restore your inner balance.

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Is there an age requirement?

Yes. You must be 16 years of age to float, but must be accompanied by a parent. 18+ years of age or older, no parent required.

Do I need to bring anything?

If you wear contacts, it’s good to bring a case, your solution, and your glasses.  You also do need to shower before and after getting in the tank, so if you have special toiletries you want or shower shoes, you should bring those too.  If you have long hair, you might want to bring a brush. We do provide soap, shampoo, towels, washcloths, ear plugs, lotion, q-tips, and make-up remover.

Do I need a bathing suit?

No. Your chamber is totally private.  But if you’re more comfortable wearing one, that’s okay of course.

Is the water clean?

The water is filtered entirely after each float for at least 15-20 minutes. The water is extremely sanitary due to the high concentration of Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salts). The Magnesium Sulfate alone kills up to 99% of bacteria. Our tanks are much safer than using a public swimming pool or spa.

Is it claustrophobic?

Many people with extreme cases of claustrophobia use floatation tanks with no problems. You are always in complete control of your environment. You can leave the sliding door of the tank open and the light on until you feel comfortable to progress further. Being in the tank is more like floating in space.

Can I float if I get motion sickness?

Floating is a passive activity and is designed to calm mental and physical stimulation. While there is no water circulation during your float session, even small body adjustments can create water movement. It is rare, but for some people who are VERY sensitive to motion sickness this water movement can cause nausea.

If you are concerned about motion sickness, we recommend leaving the tank lights on. This gives you a visual frame of reference which can help reduce motion sickness. In addition, floating with the tank lid cracked open, or even fully open, can provide fresh air which may help.

Please contact us if you are at all concerned about your float experience and we will be happy to discuss solutions.

Will I drown if I fall asleep?

No. Some people fall asleep during their float, but the water is so buoyant that you stay afloat. The worst that can happen is that you may get woken up by a bit of salt water in your eyes.

Is the water hot?

The water is warm, but not hot.  We keep it as closely as we can to skin temperature.  That allows you to float as long as you like without getting chilled or overheated, and it’s neutral for your skin temperature receptors so you won’t even really feel it’s there.

Some people come expecting the water to be hot like a bath or a spa, and it’s not.  To ease your transition into the tank we suggest you shower in lukewarm water prior to the float.

What if I dye my hair?

This is generally no problem.  If your dye is fresh (less than a week), there is a chance the float water could bleach it.  Certainly we wouldn’t recommend you get in the tank if your hair is not yet safe in the shower.  We would hate for you to damage expensive work and would be happy to help you reschedule your appointment or provide an alternative treatment on the day.

Temporary Hair Dye

Please do not float if you have temporary hair dye. The dye will come out in the water and has the potential to stain our tank. We would hate to have to charge you for cleaning/repairs.

Can I drive home?

Generally, this is no problem.  Some people, though, do come out of the tank in a very trance-y, sleepy altered state, and need some time to come back to normal before being ready to drive.  We encourage you not to be in a hurry to get out the door after your float.  We have tea and comfortable chairs you’re welcome to occupy for as long as you like.

Can I float if I’m sick or suffering allergies?

If you’re coughing, sneezing, or your nose is running, floating is not a great idea – it will be almost impossible for you to avoid getting the saltwater in your face and that will sting a lot.  We want you to enjoy your float, and you won’t if your nose is burning.  Also, if you are contagious, it is kindest to others to stay home.  We will be glad to help you reschedule your appointment.

What about asthma or other respiratory problems?

The air inside the tank is warm (approximately 32 degrees Celsius) and quite humid.  It is possible for some people to have trouble with it, though other people find it beneficial to their breathing.  We encourage you to try!  If you’re worried, let us know, and if it doesn’t work out we’ll be glad to offer you another service

Can I float if I’m menstruating?

Yes, Some clients find it can help in dealing with stress and cramps. Just use the same precautions you’d use for a swimming pool or hot tub.

Can I float if I’m pregnant?

As always, it is important that you check with your health care provider first, for any conditions that might be specific to you.  We are not qualified to give medical advice.

Many women have no problem with floating through their pregnancy, and report that they find powerful relief in a tank, and also a wonderfully enhanced connection with their baby.

What if I’m diabetic?

There is some indication that magnesium (from epsom salt) can affect your blood glucose, but this is not well studied.  It is also possible that soaking in epsom salt can dry your skin, increasing your risk of cracking.  If you are diabetic, please consult your doctor before floating.

Are there any other contraindications?

Generally, contraindications include:

  • powerful sedatives
  • being prone to seizures (e.g. epilepsy)
  • kidney problems
  • schizophrenia

If any of these conditions apply to you, please consult your doctor before getting in a tank.

What if it upsets me?

You can open the tank door and turn on the light at any time, no harm no foul.  But truly, for most people, knowing that you’re completely in charge of your own experience is all the reassurance you need to have a good time.

Can I float on drugs?

Please understand that we cannot allow the illegal use of any substances in our facility. And for insurance reasons, we have to turn away any clients who are visibly impaired when they arrive.

Is there anything I need to know before I float?

  • Before floating, we recommend that you:
  • Don’t shave or wax, smoke or drink caffeine
  • Eat a small meal 90 minutes prior
  • Remove any contact lenses
  • Remove make up

In the proceeding 24 HOURS:

  • DO NOT have your hair coloured (Dye from newly coloured hair, may be striped and contaminate the tank water)
  • DO NOT have a spray tan (Chemicals in the spray tan, may contaminate the tank water)

Arrive 20 minutes before your booking if it’s your first float. You will need to fill in our client information form, be given a tour of the float room and have any questions answered.


  • Relieve stress, anxiety and depression
  • Reduce chronic fatigue caused by insomnia and jet lag
  • Stimulate creativity
  • Accelerate mental clarity and learning
  • Deepen meditation practices
  • Soothe chronic pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, back and neck pain, inflammation and tendonitis
  • Improve athletic performance
  • Decrease muscular tension caused by daily stresses and prolonged sitting
  • Improve circulation and reduce blood pressure
  • Accelerate healing
  • Strengthen the immune system